Honda Multi Matic Transmission/CVT

Transmission Installation (cont'd)


  1. Attach the transmission to the engine, then install the rear mount/bracket (A) with the mount bracket bolts (B) and the transmission housing mounting bolt (C).

  1. Install the transmission housing mounting bolts.

  1. Install the transmission mount bracket (A). Tighten the bolt (B) loosely and tighten the nuts (C) to the specified torque, then tighten the bolt to the specified torque.

  1. Install new set rings (A) on the left and right driveshafts (B).

  1. Install the right and left driveshafts (see page 16-18). While installing the driveshafts in the differential, be sure not to allow dust or other foreign particles to enter the transmission.


  • Clean the areas where the driveshafts contact the transmission (differential) with solvent or carburettor cleaner and dry with compressed air.
  • Turn the right and left steering knuckle fully outward and slide the driveshafts into the differential until you feel its set ring engage the side gear.