Exterior Trim

Roof Drip and Rear Pillar Mouldings Replacement


NOTE: Put on gloves to protect your hands.

  1. Detach the mouldings from each clip, then remove the roof drip moulding (A) and rear pillar moulding (B) as an assembly. Take care not to scratch the body.
    Fastener Locations
    C : Clip, 12 D: Clip, 1 E : Clip, 1 F: Clip, 1

  1. Remove the clips (C, D, E, F), and replace any damaged clips.
  2. Install the clips on the body.
  3. Hold the moulding up, and starting at the rear, align the moulding to the body shape, then push on the clip portions of the moulding until the moulding snaps into place.