
Rear Seat Armrest Replacement


Rear Seat-back Latch Replacement

For some models:


  • When prying with a flat-tip screwdriver, wrap it with protective tape to prevent damage.
  • Take care not to tear the seams or damage the seat covers.
  1. Remove the armrest (A).
  1. Pull out the pivot cover (B) forward, then remove it.
  2. Remove the pivot bolt (C), wave washer (D), washer (E), nylon washer (F) and pin bolt (G).
  3. Remove the armrest and bushing (H).

  1. Install the armrest in the reverse order or removal.

  1. Remove the seat-back (see page 20-237).
  1. Separate the seat-back frame and seat-back cover/pad (see page 20-239).
  2. Remove the bolts, then remove the seat-back latch (A) from the seat-back frame (B) and release the pivot pin (C) of the latch lever (D) from the seat-back frame.
Fastener Locations
: Bolt, 3 or 2

With recline:

With recline:

  1. Install the latch in the reverse order of removal and note these items:
  • Make sure the seat-back locks and unlocks properly.
  • Make sure the seat-back with recline adjusts properly.