
Dashboard Removal/Installation (cont'd)


  1. From outside of the passenger's door, gently pull out on the bottom of the dashboard side cover (A) to release the lower clip (B), then release the remaining clips (B) and hooks (C), to remove the cover.

    Fastener Locations
    B : Clip, 2

Driver's side:
  1. From under the dash, disconnect the interior wire harness connector (A), driver's door wire harness connectors (B), side turn signal light connector (C) (for some models), antenna lead (D) (RHD), clutch switch connector (E) (on MT model), and brake switch connector (F), and disconnect the floor wire harness connectors (G) and engine compartment wire harness connectors (H) from the under-dash fuse/relay box (I). On auto A/C model, disconnect the air hose (J).