Air Conditioning

Compressor Thermal Protector Replacement

21-92 Compressor Relief Valve Replacement

  1. Remove the bolt, the ground terminal (A) and the holder (B). Disconnect the field coil connector (C), then remove the thermal protector (D).

  1. Replace the thermal protector (A) with a new one and apply silicone sealant (B) to the bottom of the thermal protector.

  1. Install in the reverse order of removal.

  1. Discharge the refrigerant (see page 21-94).
  1. Remove the cover (A), the relief valve (B) and the O-ring (C). Plug the opening to keep foreign matter from entering the system and the compressor oil from running out.

  1. Clean the mating surfaces.
  2. Replace the O-ring with a new one at the relief valve and apply a thin coat of refrigerant oil before installing it.
  3. Remove the plug and install and tighten the relief valve.
  4. Charge the system (see page 21-96) and check for system performance (see page 21-98).