Engine Block

Connecting Rod and Crankshaft End Play Inspection


  1. Measure the connecting rod end play with a feeler gauge between the connecting rod and crankshaft.

Connecting Rod End Play:

Standard (New):

0.15 - 0.30 mm

(0.006 - 0.012 in.)

Service Limit:

0.40 mm (0.016 in.)

  1. If the connecting rod end play is out-of-tolerance, install a new connecting rod and recheck. If it is still out-of-tolerance; replace the crankshaft (see page 7-11).
  2. Mount a dial indicator on the block so that it's tip contacts the end of the crankshaft.

  1. Push the crankshaft firmly away from the dial indicator, and zero the dial against the end of the crankshaft. Then pull the crankshaft firmly back toward the indicator; the dial reading should not exceed the service limit.

Crankshaft End Play:

Standard (New):

0.10 - 0.35 mm

(0.004 - 0.014 in.)

Service Limit:

0.45 mm (0.018 in.)

  1. If the end play is excessive, inspect the thrust washers and thrust surface on the crankshaft. Replace parts as necessary. Thrust washer thickness is fixed and must not be changed either by grinding or shimming.